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iplumbyou.com I had local advertising covered but I needed to be more accessible to my customers. I needed to take orders over the internet and make it easy for my customers to see what I do and what areas I cover, before the first call. Hoax Design met and exceeded my needs. They set up a site that delivers what I need and more in only a few days. They worked with me to give me a greater understanding of how internet advertising works, which allowed me to target my customer’s specific needs in my service area. Business runs smoother now than it had ever ran before. I owe a great deal of my company’s well being to Hoax Design.

Hal Cartrett
H.S. Cartrett Plumbing and General Repair
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Design Term Glossary

Our design term glossary defines the majority of the terms commonly used in graphic & web design.



Majuscule: a capital letter.

Miniscule: a lowercase letter.

Masthead: the credit box, headed by the publication name, that lists sponsors, editors, writers, designers, illustrators, photographers, and others, along with the publication office address, subscription and advertising information, etc.

Measure: (noun) in typography, the length of a line, even if the line is not filled with characters (such as a centered or partial line), designated in picas. When the text is set in columns, the line length is called 'column measure.'

Mezzotint: for a halftone, a special screen that produces connected, dusty-looking dots.

Moiré patterns: (pronounced "mo-ray") irregular plaid-like patterns that occur when a bit-mapped image is reduced, enlarged, displayed, or printed at a resolution different from the resolution of the original.

Monospaced type: a (typewriter) typeface in which the amount of horizontal space taken up by each character is the same.


Name Server: See DNS

Navigate: 1. to move on, over, or through (water, air, land, or cyberspace) in a ship, aircraft, vehicle, or computer input device. 2. to direct or manage (a ship, aircraft, vehicle, agent, or avatar) on its course. 3. to ascertain or plot and control the course or position of (a agent, avatar etc.) (Webster's, p 1283).

Navigation (Spatial Navigation): The ability to move through virtual landscapes (cyberspace). Orienting ourselves by landmarks, mapping a space mentally to match our experience, and admiring the juxtapositions and changes in perspective that derive from moving through an intricate environment (Murray, p 129).

Negative space: in design, the space where the figure isn't -- in artwork, usually the background; in a publication, the parts of the page not occupied by type or graphics.

Nested stories: in newsletter/magazine layout, stories run in multiple columns at different column depths.


Objected-oriented (mode): the Draw graphics mode. A set of algorithms describe graphic form in abstract geometrical terms, as object primitives, the most fundamental shapes from which all other shapes are made: lines, curves, and solid or patterned areas.

Oblique type: characters that are slanted to the right; sans serif typefaces often have oblique rather than true italics, which are a separate font.

Offset printing: for high-volume reproduction -- utilizes three rotating drums: a plate cylinder, a blanket cylinder, and an impression cylinder. The printing plate is wrapped around the plate cylinder, inked and dampened. The plate image is transferred, or offset, onto the blanket cylinder. Paper passes between the blanket cylinder and the impression cylinder, and the image is transferred onto the paper.

Orphan: in a page layout, the first line of a paragraph separated from the rest of the paragraph by a column or page break. Headings without enough type under them may be considered as orphans; there should be as much type below the heading as the height of the heading itself, including white space.

Outline: The outline is the outer edge of text or a graphic.

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