JPEG (Joint Photographic
Electronic Group):
A common compression method that shrinks a file's
storage size by discarding non-important picture
detail. Excessive jpeg compression can cause
poor image quality.
Kern: to squeeze together characters,
for a better fit of strokes and white
In display type, characters almost need to be
kerned because the white space between characters
at large sizes is more noticeable.
Kicker: a brief phrase or
sentence lead-in to a story or chapter; usually
set smaller than the headline or chapter title,
but larger than text type. Can also refer to
a single frame, silent audio clip used to "kick
start" the audio engine in Macromedia
Flash files.
Knockout: in printing, when
one color is to be printed immediately adjacent
to another color; actually they are printed
with a slight overlap.
Landscape (orientation): a page or layout that
is wider than it is tall.
Lap register: used with knockouts,
images of different colors are slightly overlapped,
to avoid the appearance of a white line between
the two inks.
Leader: a line of dots or
dashes to lead the eye across the page to separated
Leading: (pronounced "led-ding")
the space between lines of type, traditionally
measured baseline-to-baseline, in points. Text
type is generally set with one or two points
of leading; for example, 10-point type with
2 points of leading. This is described as 10/12,
read ten on twelve.
Letterforms: in typography, the shapes of the
Ligature: in typography, characters
that are bound to each other, such as "oe" and "ae." In
professional typefaces, the lowercase "f" is
also often set as a ligature in combination with
other characters such as "fi" and "fl."
Light (font): a font that is
lighter than the roman (normal, plain, or book)
version of the typeface.
Line art: black-and-white artwork
with no gray areas. Pen-and-ink drawings are
line art, and most graphic images produced with
desktop publishing graphics programs can be treated
as line art. For printing purposes, positive
halftones can be handled as line art.
Logotype: a symbol, mark, or identifying name.
Low-resolution image: A low-resolution image is a low-detail scan made from, for example
a photograph.