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Chinese Movie Theater

Lin Bing Xiang was enjoying the movie when a scream echoed throughout the crowd. But the terror of thousands didn't have anything to do with what was taking place on the screen. "They're coming for us," a woman near him cried.

Xiang, a doctor, looked up to see a pair of bright, cigarshaped objects rushing towards the audience at lightning speed. His throat clutched. Would he ever see his wife and child again?

...Wait just a second, you're probably saying. Dive-bombing UFOs in a MOVIE THEATRE? No way! But the huge audience for this film was packed into an outdoor stadium, a common practice in China, where few conventional theaters exist. And it was a warm summer night and everyone was engrossed in the popular film "The Delta of River Danube," until the brilliant objects lit up the night sky.

Suddenly, the movie became unimportant. Lin and his companion, Chen Cai-fe, a cop, were knocked to the ground as the polite audience became an out-of-control mob. Fear wrapped its arms around thousands of people as the UFOs bore down upon them to unleash--perhaps--some unknown weapon.

"Those are not Chinese aircraft. They are not like any planes I have ever seen," Chen, a former military officer, called to Lin over the horrifying din. With great effort, both men clawed their way to a small clearing from which terrified spectators had already fled. A few minutes passed before Lin was willing to uncover his head. All was peaceful in the night sky above. The UFOs had fled. But below him, thousands still battled at the exit tunnels, too frightened to realize that all was clear. When the dust finally settled, one man was dead and many others injured. Chinese authorities never revealed the nature of the Unidentified Flying Objects. Whether they knew anything about them and simply chose not to tell the public, is another question. Hundreds of such sightings have taken place, from one end of the country to another. Small wonder that a vast majority of Chinese believe UFOs are a fact. Can one billion Chinese be wrong?

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